Karin Germain - Sales Associate

Karin Germain

Sales Associate
C: 406.539.4037
O: 406.995.6333
"Why not live the dream in Big Sky?"

After graduating from the University of Idaho in 1993, Karin moved to Montana and never looked back. Karin and her husband, Kevin, have lived between Bozeman, Ennis, and Big Sky for almost three decades. They have raised their three kids between Ennis and Big Sky, with the two oldest now taking their Montana spirit to the East Coast for college. Hiking, skiing, golfing, and fishing are favorite pastimes of the Germain family. Karin is an avid supporter of her kids and all their activities, including logging thousands of miles following along to watch them participate in Class C sports all over Montana. When she isn’t busy selling real estate in Big Sky, you will find her and her family outside with their two Yellow Labs enjoying all that Montana has to offer.

Property Listings

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